Friday 16 January 2015

The Flash Predictions

So with the Flash returning next week I thought I would do a post stating my predictions for the series. In order to minimise confusion I will refer to the Flash as Barry Allen.

The mid-season finale introduced the character of Reverse-Flash, the man responsible for the death of Nora Allen (Barry's mother). Reverse Flash reveals to Barry that this is not the first time they have met but instead that they have been in competition for several years. It is also observed by Cisco that there were both red and yellow flashes seen prior to Nora's death, indicating that Barry himself was there. This makes me believe that time travel exists within the show. Reverse Flash claims that his powers are not alike that of Barry's but are instead the opposite, which indicates that rather then moving himself through time at an accelerated rate, he can alter the rate at which time moves around him. I believe that the suit is what gives him these abilities, making him a similar character to Professor Zoom.

This means that it would make sense for Reverse Flash to be Harrison Wells. He is seen to have possession of the suit, the ability to walk and look into the future through his technology. Despite this I don't think he is the Reverse Flash. Firstly it is just too obvious and simple and secondly I doubt he would go to such great lengths to create and protect Barry/Flash only to set out to destroy him. Besides this the producers have stated that they wish to follow the storyline of the comic books as accurately as possible.

Therefore I think it is either Iris West or Eddie Thawne.

The comics have the character Eobard Thawne as one of the Reverse Flash's and Eddies recent hatred for the Flash combined with the recent bashing Eddie took from the Flash, and Barry's feelings for Iris give him motivation. He was also the only one of his squadron left unharmed when Reverse Flash attacked them at Star Labs. His character has not really been explored yet and very little is known about his past. I don't know how he would come to obtain the Reverse Flash suit, but I am guessing it somehow involves time travel. Personally however I think the Eddie storyline is a little too convenient.

I think Iris West is the Reverse Flash. The comics have her brother Daniel West as one of the Reverse Flash's however he does not exist in the TV show potentially leaving the role open to her. Iris has the motivation; Nora's death led Barry to live with her which obviously had a pretty major impact on her life, it was also in this situation that Barry fell in love with her. When Reverse Flash attacked Star Labs both Detective West and Eddie were left conscious, both of whom are people she cares about. Iris has also shown herself to be quite a large fan of the Flash, perhaps when she discovers it is Barry she becomes bitter and wants to destroy him? Or maybe this leads her to becoming an even bigger supporter and she becomes the Reverse Flash in order to help him maximise his potential? If she were to work with Harrison over this it would explain how she obtains the suit.

I guess we shall find out next week!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Thin shaming and the body acceptance debate

Recently (possibly due to it being bikini season) I have noticed a lot of thin shaming occurring across social media hidden under the pre-tense of promoting positive body image. 

Memes such as the above, along with slogans such as "real men like curve, only dogs go for bones" have featured heavily as of late on my Facebook timeline.
 I understand that eating disorders are on the rise and that we live in a society where women feel extreme amount of pressure to be a size 6 and have a thigh gap. I understand what this image is trying to promote. While its positive to encourage the idea that women don't have to diet and torture themselves thin, to assume that all thin women are thin by choice is an incorrect and a sweeping generalisation.
To tell someone they must be a size 14 in order to be considered a "real woman" is wrong. As is telling someone that no man will want them because they "aren't curvy enough". These sorts of attitudes are hypocritical and no better then fat shaming. Telling someone they are too thin is not different to telling someone they are too fat! Just because thin women are currently seen as being in a position of privilege does not mean that it is okay to take shots at their self esteem in order to boost your own. Maybe some people out there are a size 14 and are perfectly healthy but there are also people out there who are a size 6 and are just as healthy. Health is not a dress size. The way to promote positive body image is not to slam anyone who is a different size or body shape to the majority of society or the current aesthetic.
Just remember, while being a size 6 is unattainable for some women, being a size 14 is just as unattainable to others. While going on a diet isn't necessarily going to make you thinner, eating more isn't necessarily going to make you larger.
Side note:
I have also seen online stores slammed for the decision to stock a size 4/6 as people are claiming this promotes a prepubescent female form as ideal. The law of supply and demand means that stores will stock whatever there is a market for. As online stores ship all around the world they have much larger market to cater to. The average size of women will vary greatly from country to country, as well as with socioeconomic rank. While the size 4/6 may not realistically apply to you, it may very well be appropriate for women in other countries.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Oscar De La Renta Resort

I absolutely loved this collection, I am not a huge De La Renta fan usually so this really surprised me.
This collection feels like holidays and spring, I don't imagine it would be possible to wear anything from the collection and feel sadness!
I have put together a list of my top 3 favourite looks below
Look 32
 My absolute favourite! The colour instantly brings spring vibes and the sheer skirt adds a girly and yet somehow grown up elegance. It just screams elegant lunchtime garden party.
Look 23
Love the bag and skirt combination. The skirt  pattern looks to me like little countries, it says
 "I'm sexy, mature and sophisticated but I still crave adventure and that little bit of rebellion"
Look 38
The structure of this is gorgeous. The print should be tacky but it isn't and the handcuff compliments the pattern perfectly. Its adorable. I like the way the big skirt is not overwhelming but its bold and makes an impact.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Cannes Film Festival 2014: Favorites so far

Cannes Film Festival 2014
Cannes is a personal favourite time of the year for me rivalled only by MET Ball.
Below are my personal favourites so far.
Blake Lively in Gucci
Blake is always completely flawless. After seeing her MET ensemble I didn't think it was possible to love her anymore but I do.
This is just so Serena Van Der Woodsen!
The colour suits her perfectly, the neckline makes it different and elegant and thigh split adds just enough sexy while keeping it very sophisticated. It also helps that she has legs like that.
Loving the toned down accessories and smoky eye.
My ultimate favourite
Zhang Ziyi in Ellie Saab
Absolutely in love with this look! Its not possible to go wearing Ellie Saab.
This looks very very similar to Blair Waldorf's second wedding to me.
Either way she Zhang looks absolutely beautiful. It is graceful and elegant and the cut does a great job of not swapping her tiny frame.  The simple hair and make up makes this look enchanting.
Karlie Kloss in Valentino
My final favourite look of the day is Karlie. I know this ensemble has received a lot of negativity from critics but I personally think she pulls it off.
I would have preferred for the sleeves to be actual sleeves rather then a cape however
the neckline is lovely and they drape really nicely. The colour suits her and if you are as gorgeous as Karlie why not try something a bit different and daring? I think her height and fantastic body allow her to pull this off.